Lovingly Handmade Pornography

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© Copyright Lovingly Handmade Pornography 2012-2024

 Lovingly Handmade Pornography 
Updated: 2020-07-23
Published: 2019-04-19
Filmed: 2019-03-28

“This is very squirm-proof”

Nina and I try out a new bondage arrangement that’s even more fun than we thought it would be! I don’t identify as being especially into bondage, I like feeling people struggle against me or against themselves (or both). This worked great for both of us though- simple but effective, easy to adjust and adapt, and super vulnerable. *cough* I’m starting to question that not-into-bondage thing.

I've mostly been re-grading older shoots and this is recent, but I was able to make a huge quality difference in it. First time I shot in 4K raw, so my initial swing at processing had a lot of room for improvement. Enjoy!

0:33 preview
This is just a short preview, not the whole video!
You can watch the whole thing (6:39) either by subscribing, or buying access to it individually for $4.00. It's available for download as:

- HD 1080p60 h.265 MP4 (262 MB)

- HD 720p60 h.264 MP4 (197 MB)

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